PS3 Brings Augmented Reality to your Coffee Table
Product: The Eye of Judgement
Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment America
Date: 05/08/2006
Avaliable On:

You might not recognize the name, "Richard Marks" (No not the singer/songwriter), but he happens to be the creator of the Eye-Toy, a camera system used on the PlayStation 2 to allow for interesting and experimental gameplay - games that allowed for physical interaction with games and control via camera-based motion capture. Some liked these games, others found them to be more of a fad, but the games' uniqueness is unquestionable.

The Eye-Toy will be available for the PS3 as well, but with the additional processing power available on the PS3, you'll find that the games can be even more impressive.

Those of you who are familiar with "Augmented Reality" can skip this paragraph. For the rest of you, Augmented Reality is the concept of using a powerful computer coupled with a video input and video output to allow for the introduction of computer-generated elements into the video of actual reality such that computer generated objects can be fluidly interacted with by real-life "actors" (or gamers). Imagine playing a game where you interact with artificial objects as if they were there, while a computer uses post processing techniques to add in the appropriate visuals in real time. This can provide an amazingly cool interaction with a game.

"The Eye of Judgement" combines the familiar aspects of a card-based battle game with the uncanny power of PS3 and the novelty of computer vision to provide an augmented reality gaming experience. As you introduce real cards onto the game board, their digital counterparts spring to life, appearing to be summoned from the cards. Moving the cards on the play-field will move their digital counterparts, with no clunky UI required. To cause your summoned characters to attack other characters, you use simple hand gestures such as tapping your card and then swirling your hand around in the directions to attack. Any extraneous interface elements seem to have been done away with (at least when in-game). There are 100 cards in the deck, allowing for a huge variation in the possible battles. Something that was thrown in specifically for E3 was the familiar "Rubber Ducky", not just back, but back with a vengeance. He was evidently one of the more powerful characters in the game, having devastating fire and water attacks. Too much. (I hope the duck is left in the game, possibly as an unlockable character.)

Look for the Eye-Toy to play a larger part in the games made for the PS3... just a feeling I have, but I can see it taking center stage in the future and becoming an exciting feature in most of your favorite games.

Geck0 aka Robert Perkins

GameVortex PSIllustrated TeamPS2