Tilt-Based Katamari


While many companies in the past have had a corner of their booth devoted to mobile gaming, this year’s E3 found those non-console-based handhelds a bit more front and center. This was also the case for Namco/Bandai’s booth that had a table set up with various iOS devices. What I found there was an interesting new Katamari game that used the iPad’s tilt sensors to move the Prince and your ball around the world.

The game was a little awkward at first, due in no small part to the fact that the tablet was tethered to the demo-table, but after a bit of adjusting, I was able to move my katamari ball around the arena and collect my various objects.

The level I got to play through was one that I can’t believe I hadn't seen before, Pac-Man. That’s right, as the Prince, you push a yellow ball around a Pac-Man maze collecting little yellow pellets. All the while, you are trying to avoid the ghosts in the maze who will stun you for a short time, but if you manage to grab one of the bigger pellets, you can run over them for a short period. It was very amusing and made me want to see what else Katamari Amore has in store for fans. Stay tuned for the full review when Katamari Amore releases.