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XTRA! Rift Offers Free Play for Past Players For Limited Time

Company: Trion Worlds
Product: Rift Free Play

Been a while since you've traipsed through Telara? Do you long to once again go cliff diving in Sanctum? Left your heart in Scarlet Gorge? Don't mope around about it - plan your return visit now...

For a limited time, former Rift players will be able to access all of the game's content for free. Simply log in and play for free for now through this Sunday, July 29th. You'll get to experience unrestricted access to recently-added features, including Conquest (three-faction PvP), four new zones of Instant Adventure, the new Primeval Feast raid sliver, and the popular Mentoring system. For players eagerly anticipating Rift: Storm Legion, the game’s first expansion due out later this year, now is the perfect time to come back and prep your character for the fight against Crucia.

If you're interested in Rift, but haven't played before, don't feel left out - all players have access to levels 1-20 completely free with RIFT Lite (link below).

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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