The look of the units doesn't help any, either. Units of a given side are often tough to distinguish between each other, pixellated and drab as they are. It's generally pretty easy to tell the difference between the sides, but when you want to select a particular unit from a firefight and get them to go somewhere, it's often an exercise in clicking until you happen to get the one you want. Beauty is definitely not something that America possesses a lot of.
The sound in America is also decidedly sub-standard. The music is fine, but it just didn't feel right to me. It felt a little too modern for the setting. I could be completely wrong on that count, but I found myself being more disgruntled with the music as the game progressed. The sound effects are pretty bare-bones, with gunshots and arrow thwacks, plus a bevy of 'grunt-type' sounds for the various units. The voice-acting is passable, but it's also rather offensive at times. The Looney Tunes-style Mexican voiceovers were quite off-putting for me, especially for a game that seems to be striving for some degree of historical value.